Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Monday, July 9 -- A rather short report

7:30 am -- Committee 13 Meeting in which we spent time considering and amending a trial liturgy that offers expansive language while retaining much of the familiar cadence of Rite II Eucharistic Prayers. 

Great moments along the way: Chair Sam Candler (House of Deputies) asked, "Are we striking 'Jesus'?" While we all knew he was thinking about an editorial choice, his sentence still offered a moment of levity as we imagined the headline if Sam's comment were taken out of context. 

A few minutes later, Bishop Brian Thom stood and proclaimed, "All hail the Oxford comma!" I guess you had to be there. Still, this demonstrates the level of care the members of our committee bring to the work of considering and perfecting resolutions brought to us. In this case, our committee secretary had asked about the placement of a single comma in some amended text.

We also considered and approved A086 to authorize rites to bless long-term relationships for those rare situations in which couples cannot legally marry. These instances would include cases where marriage would cause financial hardship (as in older couples drawing social security benefits) or in cases where one of the partners wishes to avoid unwanted attention from immigration. We'll see how this is received in the House of Bishops.

10:30 am -- the first Legislative Session of the day, during which our amended version of B012 regarding the use and availability of marriage rites for ALL in The Episcopal Church debated. Various amendments, none too substantive, were offered. A vote by orders was requested, and the resolution passed by a large margin. Now we'll what happens when this goes to the House of Bishops.

1:15 pm -- the second Legislative Session began with our chaplain calling all 800+ of us to the platform to lay hands on each other and share in a moment of prayer and song.

One resolution drew the most attention. D019 calls for possible divestment in companies whose work supports Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory. While hotly debated (with some deputies noting that the report seemed one-sided in favor of Palestine and against Israel), the resolution passed.

We did other work, of course, including hearing a spirited address from one of the young people attending General Convention as part of the Youth Presence.

5:15 pm -- Holy Eucharist. Great message. Dirge-like and loooong hymn at the conclusion. Odd way to conclude a celebration.

7:30 pm -- Dinner with members of the deputation. Nothing like last night's indulgence, but tasty all the same. And such good friends!

9:30 pm -- Ended the day with two friends from seminary, chatting until way too late.

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Friday the 13th -- A Pretty Lucky Day!

8:00 am. Austin Convention Center.  We were scheduled for two Legislative Sessions today. 8:00 - 1:00 and 2:30 - 6:30. Yikes! Doesn't ...